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In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

Created: 01/11/17

Replies: 10

Posted Jan. 11, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

Posted Jan. 13, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/25/11

Posts: 14

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

I think in the beginning she is very willful and headstrong--like a typical teen. She is resistant to her mother and uncle. At eighteen it would be perfectly normal for her to want to pull away from those parental influences and intrusions. It seemed she fairly quickly realized how serious her position was and she tried really diligently to give her "job" due consideration. I loved the scenes where Lord M would whisper in her ear so she would know who she was meeting in the receiving line and how she should greet them. She was very eager to learn and to do the right thing.

Posted Jan. 13, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/16/12

Posts: 143

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

Though it is typical to grow away from parents in the teen years and rebel to a certain extent? Victoria had good reason to reject her mother. Her upbringing was too restrictive and her mother too overbearing. In order to grow into adulthood she had to put distance between them. Also her crush on Lord M was like a schoolgirl having a crush on a favorite teacher

Posted Jan. 14, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Marcia S

Join Date: 02/08/16

Posts: 537

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

The typical teen showed up in her rebellion against her mother, although well deserved. It also was revealed in her love of fashion, jewels, etc. It was also that rebellion and independence which helped her find her way as an independent woman who was able to make the right choices to become an exceptional queen.

Posted Jan. 14, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Lea Ann

Join Date: 04/20/11

Posts: 99

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

Like a "typical" teenager, she rebels against her mother and most especially against Conroy whom she cannot/will not accept as a father figure in the place of her own birth father. She wants her own room rather than sleeping in the room with her mother (understandable, IMO). She wants to pick out her own clothes, her own name, simply to be independent. Then she falls in what she takes for love with an older man who has been her surrogate father, though she doesn't see him in that position. Another teen-aged trap that she falls victim to. She dreams great dreams of a life with Melbourne and when she learns she has no such place in his life, she again becomes a typical teen with many tears, hiding away, etc. But then she, as is said, pulls up her socks and becomes the queen she is meant to be. She handles the courtship of Albert most cleverly, or so it seems to me. And she acknowledges the many responsibilities she now has as queen.

Posted Jan. 14, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/13/16

Posts: 26

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

In this book she just comes across as a teen, worrying about her hair, clothes and dog. Didn't see a queen

Posted Jan. 14, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/25/16

Posts: 193

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

I agree with the above comments that Victoria seemed to be a typical teenager. I felt sorry for her in the beginning, because of the extent of the control over her. But later on, it seemed to me she was exhibiting bratty behavior. Because of the circumstances that this teen was now a queen, some of Victoria's behavior seemed extreme to me.

Posted Jan. 15, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 61

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

She was brought up so strict and without being able to go outside of the palace and see people and even children her own age. How was she supposed to act? Here she was eighteen and her mother was sleeping in her room to keep her company. She really wasn't able to grow up. She did rebel and i think most of us would have done the same. She wanted to be Queen but did not realize until it happened what a responsibility it was but then she wasn't groomed or educated to since her "uncle" felt he could rule for her and take over, but she decided she wanted to be a good Queen and was determined to learn all she could to help her people.

Posted Jan. 26, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/13/14

Posts: 176

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

Victoria was typical in her rebellion against her mother and Conroy. She quickly became aware that her position as queen entailed more than just fancy clothing and parties, and she really applied herself to learning to handle the day-to-day decisions that were required of her as monarch.

Posted Feb. 05, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/07/15

Posts: 30

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

I think she shows signs of both throughout the book. The rebelliousness against her mother, the passion for clothes and jewels, the almost spoiled behavior re: her relationship with Lord M. But she also makes powerful decisions from the beginning. Donating money for the almhouse in memory of her father, changing the sentence of the Chartists, figuring out how to get rid of Conroy, persisting in her pursuit of Lord M for a period of time even though it was improper. That all took courage and only worked because she used her power.

Posted Feb. 08, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/13

Posts: 117

RE: In what ways do you think Victoria comes across a "typical" teenager and/or as a powerful sovereign?

I believe that she showed teen rebellion throughout the book. It wasn't till the end that I really started to see the Queen.


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